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Frequently Asked Questions


CPCD is more than free preschool.

CPCD’s two‐generation programming supports children and/or parents and caregivers in the following areas: Education, Economic Supports, Health and Wellness, and Social Capital.


What is the best way to check if my child qualifies for CPCD programs?

You can always call or visit our office.  However, we recommend completing our pre-application online (Link).  Once we receive your pre-application we will follow up with you informing you if you qualify or with the next steps necessary to complete the application.


The 2023 Poverty guidelines are as follows:

  • A family of two must make under $19,720

  • A family of three must make under $24,860

  • A family of four must make under $30,000

  • A family of five must make under $35,140

  • A family of six must make under $40,280

  • A family of seven must make under $45,420

  • A family of eight must make under $50,560

If you have a family with more than eight members, add $5,140 for each additional person.

When a family applies, they must show proof of income even if they fall under one of the automatic qualifiers for Head Start. We CANNOT place children without seeing proof of income.


PLEASE NOTE: Families DO NOT need these automatic qualifiers or income eligibility to enroll in Universal Preschool (UPK).  Call to find out if you qualify. 


What do I need to bring to apply for the program?

  • Your Child's Birth Certificate

  • Your Child's Immunization record or signed exemption forms*

  • Driver's license or ID, U.S. Military ID card, U.S. Military dependent's ID card, U.S. Coast Guard Merchant Mariner or Native American Tribal Document

  • Proof of your family's current income and income for the previous 12 months (i.e. W-2's, income tax forms, 12 months of pay stubs, written employer letter, LES statements, TANF award letter, SSI, SS, Foster Care, school grants, unemployment, child support or alimony)


*Our Health and Nutrition Department strongly encourages parents to bring annual physical and immunization records/signed exemption forms at time of application. We accept applications and place children in class year-round.


If you don’t have access to one or more of these items, please call our office at (719) 635-1536 so that we can work with you to find adequate documentation.


Do I need to provide medical care plans or immunization records?

If your child has a medical care plan or uses medication your child will not be allowed to start class until you provide those documents.  Additionally, if a copy of your child’s immunization record is not provided or up-to-date within 14 days of starting class they will not be allowed to continue in class.

Do the children get a snack/meal while in class? Who provides the snack?

CPCD participates in the USDA food program, CACFP, and follows guidelines in providing your children with healthy meals and snacks through a catering service.  Depending on how long your child is in class each day, he/she will receive a minimum of a snack.  Children served in the Head Start program will be served a meal and a snack, and children who are served in an extended day program will receive two meals and a snack.  We appreciate your feedback on the food that is served to your children.  

What is the purpose of a home visit?

Home visits are an opportunity for making connections between the home and the classroom setting, identifying learning opportunities in the home environment, and focusing on individualized attention with your family and child.  Our staff are also able to provide information on community resources and offer family support.


What times and days are the children in class?

In our center-based model for 3-5 year olds, children attend four days a week (Monday through Thursday) for 3-4 hours either in the morning or afternoon on a school-year schedule. We also offer extended day models in certain locations for 7 hours, 4 days a week.  In our year-round classrooms for infants and toddlers, children attend seven hours per day, 5 days a week.  All models include family home visits. Full day, full year Head Start and Early Head Start services are available at our partner sites (Early Connections Learning Centers, Home Networks, and Little Tykes) for families who need it.

What do the children learn in the program?

Our primary curriculum is the Creative Curriculum. Teachers use developmentally appropriate practices to teach social/emotional skills, literacy and languages skills, cognitive skills and physical skills. Other instructional resources such as “Pyramind Plus," pedestrian safety and nutrition activities are incorporated into the lesson plans, along with other enriching activities. Children have a play-based experience focused on their specific developmental needs. All children, regardless of ability, are included in the classroom.  

Will my child be behind if they do not start in august?

Curriculum in all CPCD classrooms is individualized to meet the learning needs of each unique child, whether or not they begin at the start of  the school year.

What is the staff to student ratio?

All CPCD classrooms are staffed to meet or exceed Colorado Department of Human Services staffing ratios.  In Early Head Start the ratio is 3 staff to 8 children.  In Head Start the ratio is 2 staff to 17 children.  In Blended and CPP the ratio is 2 staff to 16 children.

How soon will my student need a physical?

All of our classrooms are licensed through the State of Colorado.  Licensing requires each child to have a physical as soon as he/she starts in the classroom and then once a year.  Up-to-date immunizations or a signed exemption form are also required within 2 weeks of starting in the classroom.  If your child has asthma, seizures, severe allergies, a special diet or required medication during school hours, you will need to bring paperwork from the doctor and medication to the teacher on his/her first day of class.  A registered nurse is assigned to each classroom and can help you with any of these needs.

Can my student receive transportation?

We offer limited transportation at various bus stop locations in some Head Start classrooms.

Does my child have to be potty trained to be accepted?

No.  CPCD does not expect children to be potty trained to attend programming.  Staff partners with parents to support children and families who are ready to potty train.  CPCD provides diapers for children who are not yet potty trained or are going through the potty training process. children a head start prepares young children for success in school and in life.
Universal PreschoolEarly Head Start & Head Start

2330 Robinson Street

Colorado Springs, CO . 80904


© 2024 children a head start

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